Color Scheme

The color scheme in the trellis diagrams conveys information about the current state of the algorithm. Note that the colors may look slightly different on your screen.
When a branch or a state is dim blue, the algorithm has not visited it yet, thus, there is no branch or path measure associated with it.
When a branch or a state is bright red, it's branch or path measure is currently being calculated and the explanation of this calculation is currently being displayed in the message box.
The branch with the best value of all those terminating in a particular state is the winning branch, and it is colored bright blue.
All other branches that didn't win are colored white. These are losing branches that the Viterbi algorithm has eliminated as possible paths.
After all branches have had their branch measure calculated and the best branch is chosen among those terminating in the state the path measure for the state is calculated and the state is turned maroon to signify that it has been visited.
When the path measure for a state is being calculated, all the possible previous states connected by branches to this state turn a light brown or pinkish color for the moment. This is just to help you see which previous states contribute to the calculation of the path measure for this state.
When the forward pass is completed, a path is traced back through the trellis. This path is signified by a change in the color of winning branches to bright green.